
You can't label everything. Here you'll find all the things you couldn't find in the other categories. Social media news, how tos and a lot more.
Kontentino blog_Social Media Artificial Intelligence

Social Media Artificial Intelligence

Social media platforms are starting to incorporate machine learning in an effort to streamline user experiences and to better meet the needs of subscribers. Along with assisting in content marketing, social...

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Raport na temat zarządzania mediami społecznościowymi w Polsce

Zarządzanie mediami społecznościowymi w Polsce

Kontentino każdego dnia pomaga marketerom w podejmowaniu lepszych decyzji o redystrybucji treści i zarządzaniu mediami społecznościowymi. Dzięki codziennej pracy z agencjami, wiemy, jakim problemom i wyzwaniom muszą stawić czoła specjaliści...

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kontentino ceo 30 under 30

Kontentino CEO is 30 under 30

Forbes 30 under 30 This month, Forbes Slovakia released their 30 under 30 list. And guess what? Our CEO Bo Pokštefl is on the list! Therefore we decided to make...

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Introducing: Spreadsheets in Kontentino

Do you remember your life before Kontentino? How you used to plan and approve content using spreadsheets? It was messy, chaotic and confusing but nobody cared, at that time it...

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